Fast ForWord

Backed by 30+ years of neuroscience research & over 300 studies. No more band-aids on reading struggles

Intensity & Frequency proven to work

The answer is found in over thirty years of brain science developed by leading neuroscientists. 30-minute sessions at least 3x/week.

Adaptive Software & Real-time Feedback

This software recognizes and adapts to the successes and errors your child is making in real time so we are not nourishing the wrong habits while your child is practicing.

Interventions Tailored for your Child

Support from your child’s Go for Growth tutor builds confidence and lasting neurological impacts to aid in the development of stronger reading, listening and overall living.

The answer is found in over thirty years of brain science developed by Scientific Learning (owners of the Fast ForWord software). The intensity, frequency of practice, and adaptive, real-time feedback of the rigorous brain-based program, tied with interventions and support from your child's Go for Growth tutor, builds confidence and lasting neurological impacts to aid in the development of a stronger listener, reader, and overall learner.

The brain-based difference for struggling readers

This has never happened before! Reading in public?! For fun?! I am blown away and so happy we found you & Fast ForWord.
— Holly C (Raleigh, NC)

Go for Growth Student

What is the cost? $27-42/session

Pricing varies depending on the length of the individual path selected.


Impulse Control & Emotional Regulation


Homework Help & Test Prep Skills