ADHD Solutions - without prescription medication
**Formal diagnosis is NOT required for any of the following solutions. Any child or teen struggling with focus, learning, or impulse control may benefit.
Option 1: Focus at Home
Meet the video game designed to make daily routines fun. Say goodbye to morning, homework, and bedtime chaos and get ready to watch your child stay on top of daily tasks with a game-like experience and virtual pet!
Ideal age range: 5-13 yrs
Most helpful for:
Executive functioning
Option 2: Improve from the Inside Out
This approach works to optimize brain functioning and calm the nervous system. Products available without regular coaching involved.
Click here for a video describing HOW this solution works.
Ideal age range: 4+ yrs
Most helpful for:
Anxious tendencies
Emotional Regulation
Impulse Control
Overall Mood
Option 3: Rewire the Brain
Long-lasting change to the brain. Backed by 30+ years of neuroscience, gain access to unlimited log-ins and weekly coaching with interventions informed by progress made in the software.
Ideal Age Range: 7-21 yrs
Most helpful for:
Auditory processing,
Executive functioning,
Reading & language-base skill deficits,
Listening to and following directions
Social cognition